Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kaappaan Coincidence

The Movie has a lot to tell us about the fact that as Humans there will be consequences for one's actions.

Modi and Modern India
Modi exercising and PM exercising in the movie.
There were instances were it posted like, "Invest in India" which is similar to "Make in India".

Biblical coincidences:

The book of Joel focuses on the fact that locust have destroyed the crops of Israel.

Image result for Joel 2 locusts"

It is only God who Saves:
Most dictionaries will translate Jesus' name (which was apparently more properly translated to Joshua than "Jesus") to be "God is salvation." "God is salvation" is a phrase that ascribes a passive quality to God. ... Yah is short for Yahweh, and shuah is from yeshuah which means "to save, save alive, rescue."